ZAMI NOBLA Dollars for Dreams

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

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Dollars for Dreams is raising funds for ZAMI NOBLA everyday during the month of June!


raised by 72 people

$20,000 goal

Team participant

Dollars for Dreams Team - Supporting ZAMI NOBLA 

ZAMI NOBLA is a trailblazing organization whose work redefines the narrative about aging, sexuality, and Black lesbians in America. We provide crucial resources, promote health and wellness, facilitate storytelling and community building, and tirelessly advocate for the rights of older Black lesbians. 

This GiveOUT Day, we have created the Dollars for Dreams Team: Mary Anne, Angela, and Melissa fundraising page to empower and sustain ZAMI NOBLA's groundbreaking work.

The mission of ZAMI NOBLA is not just to survive, but to thrive.

 However, thriving requires funds. That's why we need your help. 

The Dollars for Dreams Team fundraising page is an invitation to you—members, allies, community members, friends, and families—to invest in a future where older Black lesbians can live in a world that respects, supports, and celebrates them.

Why Support ZAMI NOBLA on GiveOUT Day?

ZAMI NOBLA provides vital services that create real and tangible change, from supporting health and wellness initiatives to facilitating transformative intergenerational dialogues. We work towards policy changes and offer resources that meet the unique needs of older Black lesbians. Our work uplifts marginalized voices, promotes racial and social justice, and helps build a more inclusive society.   

Your Donations Will Enable

Expansion of health and wellness initiatives for Black Lesbians over 50

Production of the ZAMI NOBLA Podcast to give voice to the stories, lives, and experiences of older Black lesbians

Development of support networks for Black Lesbians experiencing social isolation

Advocacy efforts for policy changes to improve the lives of Black lesbians in our aging community

How Can You Help?

Every dollar counts. Your contribution, big or small, can make a significant impact on the lives of older Black lesbians. Click on the 'Donate' button to make your contribution.

You can also help us by spreading the word. Share our campaign with your friends, families, colleagues, and social networks. Use the hashtag #ZAMINOBLAGiveOUTDay to join the conversation.

The Dollars for Dreams Team fundraising campaign on GiveOUT Day is more than just a fundraiser; it's a movement. It's about standing together with older Black lesbians, supporting our right to live openly, healthily, and with dignity. This GiveOUT Day, let's make dreams come true. Donate now.

Thank you for being a part of the dream.


This fundraiser supports

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Organized By Mary Anne Adams

Giving Activity


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