Rodney’s Gift

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition of GA
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I fundraise for my boys, RAM III (My angel in heaven)& RAM IV! Donate to keep moms and babies ALIVE!


raised by 0 people

$500 goal

July 9, 2016 was one of the happiest days of our lives....our son, Rodney Alex Mason, III was born at 9:23 p.m.!! He weighed 1lb. 8oz. Johnecia carried him for 26 weeks (very preterm, born before 32 weeks)and 4 days....he was born prematurely. He was fine after his arrival into the world, however hours later he took a turn for the worse. The neonatologist informed us that his lungs were severely underdeveloped and his low birth weight was not helping. Despite having steroid shots to help protect his brain and help his lungs, he was still struggling and fighting to live. He had a few good days where his tests came back with positive results. The doctors resorted to trying nitrous oxide to help his body absorb oxygen and retain. Sadly, he passed away from complications due to his prematurity 12 days later. We were devastated..however, it is because of donations to the March of Dimes that my son was able to be kept alive for those few days. These donations provided the research and advancement in medicine for premature babies, like my son. There are just no words to express my gratitude to the people who raise money for this worthy cause.

There is a rainbow after the storm though! On October 8, 2017, we were blessed with another baby boy, Rodney Alex Mason, IV! He too, was premature, born at 33 weeks, weighing 4lbs. 8oz. (Moderately preterm, born between 32 and 34 weeks)however he was healthy and a fighter! He was on the ventilator for a short while and then on a feeding tube. He experienced a bad reaction to his Hepatitis B vaccine, however his little body recovered after 2 days of rest. He had mostly good days so were very blessed for this! He was such a trooper throughout his 30 day stay in the NICU and is now 2 years old and weighs 40lbs! He loves to talk, eat, sleep, laugh, and play with mommy and daddy!

Donations like yours allowed my children to have a fighting chance! Even though our first son passed away, his 12 days of life would not have been possible without our faith and advancements in research funded by the March of Dimes! RAMIV is able to have resources available to him due to funding from HMHBGA!

This fundraiser supports

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Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition of GA

Organized By Johnecia Mason

Giving Activity


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