Help me get to work

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Greenleaf Foundation Inc (AutoGift)
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My car recently broke down. I have a one years old I need to provide for. But i can’t get to work.


raised by 0 people

$13,500 goal

I need help. My car broke down and the cost to fix it is over the value of the car. I’ve been using Uber and getting rides from friends but I’m maxed out of money and my friends aren’t so friendly anymore. I’m a single mom. My beautiful one year old is the one who is keeping me going. But it’s hard to not get bummed out by not being able to get to work, the grocery store, or even just to the park. I need a vehicle. I’ve been without one since February and recently lost my job because of my lack of transportation. Please please help me. I’m trying my best to keep my household going but no job and no car is making it very hard. I just hope I can get help before I loose it all. I do have family , my mom but she’s very ill right now and can’t help us. I hope posting this helps us. Thanks in advance for the donation, but if you can’t donate, a prayer would be nice. Thank you all for your time. 

This fundraiser supports

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Greenleaf Foundation Inc (AutoGift)

Organized By Carol Chavez

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