ACE 2023 Giving Tuesday Campaign

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

ACE | Access to Capital for Entrepreneurs, Inc.
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Join #TheRippleEffect. We give small businesses a chance when others can’t or won’t.


raised by 34 people

$5,000 goal

It’s an uphill battle for diverse entrepreneurs to get the funding and support they need- not just to keep their doors open, but to thrive. We believe in the #RippleEffect – the groundswell that’s created when investing in one, impacts many. By providing loans and business advisory services to underserved people and places, ACE is making a difference that allows small business owners to support themselves and their families, create and sustain jobs, and contribute to the economic prosperity of their communities.


ACE | Access to Capital for Entrepreneurs continues to move the needle toward greater opportunity for small businesses owners, one client at a time. We plan to deploy $300 Million in capital to underserved businesses within the next 5 years, allowing us to serve more clients, generate more impact, and reach more markets by 2027.

 While Georgia ranks among the highest in the US in the rate of growth in minority and women-owned small businesses, these eager entrepreneurs have the hardest time getting access to the capital and services they need. The COVID-19 pandemic only added to the burden many small businesses were already experiencing. ACE's loan programs and business advisory services give entrepreneurs customized support that provides the leg up they need to build sustainable businesses to support themselves, their families, and their employees. This in turn elevates and sustains the communities where those businesses are located. While the capital, connections, and coaching that ACE provides are essential, it is the individualized approach to working with its clients that truly sets ACE apart.


Since making its first small business loan in 2000, ACE has impacted more than 2,600 businesses that have created or 21,000+ jobs for Georgians. We’ve come a long way! But the struggle is far from over.


As a certified nonprofit Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI), we assist tiny start-ups and large, existing businesses – modest mom-and-pop enterprises as well as veteran, seasoned C.E.O.s – by making loans with generous repayment terms and affordable interest rates. For small companies in a vulnerable stage of growth, an ACE loan can mean the difference between success and failure, and for larger companies, our assistance can enhance competitiveness and sustainability.

As a nonprofit community lender, ACE keeps its loans fairly priced, affordable and accessible. We borrow money from the federal government and private banks, so we must repay these loans. Happily, our clients usually prove dependable – this year’s repayment rate stands at 98 percent. However, interest on these loans only covers 60% of the costs to provide critical services to our clients. We rely on the philanthropic support of corporations, foundations, and individuals like you, to help us provide the support our clients need to succeed. 


With your support, ACE will continue to provide the resources small business owners across Georgia need to fulfill their dreams and build sustainable businesses to support themselves and their families, create and sustain jobs, and contribute to the economic prosperity of their communities. 

“I’ve learned over the years that helping others is an option," says Jamine Moton, CEO of Skylar Security. "In helping others, understanding the needs of others is easier said than done. ACE found a way to service the capital needs of so many entrepreneurs. In doing so, they’ve removed a frequent barrier to growth… lack of funding. Skylar is forever grateful.”


Click here to view Jamine's ACE Success Story.

This fundraiser supports

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ACE | Access to Capital for Entrepreneurs, Inc.

Organized By Gabriela Lopez

Use of Funds

Giving Activity


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