Stepping Out into Success (girls 16-19)

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Phenomenal Women's Health, Inc.
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A mentoring program for high school girls that equips students with tools to enter the workforce.


raised by 0 people

$1,500 goal

3 months left

Our Vision

-To promote a sisterhood among young inspiring women who want to make positive changes in the world

-To teach the participants self-love and appreciation the true beauty of their own inner being that God has given them.

-To provide educational forums to promote personal and career development. 

-To provide workshops to develop effective communication and relationship skills.

-To determine and develop participants gifts and skills so they can put their best selves forward in the world

-To provide leadership conferences to create emerging young

 female leaders in our communities

-To develop life, career, and fiscal skills to create a successful confident woman 

-To provide college prep workshops

Use of Funds

Giving Activity


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