C.O.Z.Y. Girl Series

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

TheraPink for Girls Inc.
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The Self-Care Saturday initiative helps to engage inner city youth in creative self-care activities.


raised by 0 people

$2,500 goal

The Self-Care Saturday initiative helps to educate and engage inner-city youth in creative self-care activities.  This winter, our C.O.Z.Y. Girl Series will be going live from November to March, to build up self-care involvement during the winter season. 

Did you know that our moods typically change in the winter? Seasonal depression is real and can have a huge impact on our day-to-day routines.  The C.O.Z.Y. Girl Series will include one Self-Care Saturday event each month, to help prevent the winter blues.  We need your help raising funds to execute!

We appreciate any funds you're able to donate towards our $2,500 goal, which will allow us to utilize $500 for each self-care event in the Atlanta community. 

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