7 Stages Artist Relief Fund

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

7 Stages
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To provide emergency relief to 7 Stages artists and performers impacted by COVID-19.


raised by 2 people

$5,000 goal

Helloooooo, Georgia! We are 7 Stages, a professional, non-profit theatre company devoted to engaging artists and audiences by focusing on the social, political, and spiritual values of contemporary culture. 

We had to suspend all upcoming live performances and events due to our current situation. In the meantime, we are still brainstorming and experimenting with how we can utilize the arts to foster togetherness in this often lonely time. We look forward to the next time that we can see you for a performance, be it over Google Hangout, Zoom, or, hopefully soon, in person! Keep an eye out on our social media channels for information about our upcoming virtual season finale on Saturday May 9!

In the meantime, our artists are being impacted NOW. Most artists in our community have lost all scheduled and contracted work for the next several months. The other typical sources of income have all shuttered as well. They need us to help in any way possible. 100% of every dollar contributed to this fund will go directly into the hands of artists. 

From the bottom of our weird hearts, thank you for contributing to our Artist Relief Fund. We cannot wait for the next time that we can welcome you into our space for a great show. 

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7 Stages

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