Nonprofit Resources

Fundraising Help

A strong fundraising strategy is key, and GAgives lends itself to several in particular, including peer-to-peer fundraising, matching grants, and calling on past supporters to take action. Use the resources here to enhance your organization’s fundraising plan, including trainings and tools for everyone from first-time GAgives participants to multi-year veterans.


Intro to Fundraising

For a step-by-step approach to developing your campaign, check out these two excellent workbook-style guides:

Utilize these tips and ideas for more effective and creative ways to fundraise:

Interested in learning more about fundraising strategy? 






Peer-to-Peer Fundraising

Peer-to-peer (P2P) fundraising is a powerful form of online fundraising that relies on supporters reaching out to their social networks on your behalf. 

Learn how to engage your supporters to be your advocates, and clear up some common misconceptions about P2P fundraising, with these resources.

Looking for a deep dive into P2P strategy and technique?

  • Sign up for Certificate of Digital Fundraising training, starting October 5, from Nonprofit University (see above). Learn digital strategies that will help you raise more money, build community, and inspire people to action online in this four-part series.



Platform Tools: Teams, Events, and Group Giving

There are multiple ways to raise funds on the platform, including the platform's built-in “Team” and “Events” features, as well as the newly-introduced "Group Giving" feature. Each provides a unique way to bring your supporters together online to raise funds on your behalf via their own networks.

Once you have Teams and/or Events set up, you can share these guides with key stakeholders so they know how to participate:

Looking for more platform guidance? Visit our Platform How-tos page.



Matching Grants

Matching grants can be a great way to double your impact, and studies show that donors are more likely to give when they know it will be matched. Use these resources for help securing a matching grant, as well as to set up the match in your GAgives profile.






Offline Giving

Fundraising takes many forms. We understand that you may receive checks or cash (outside of the online giving platform) that are meant to count towards your campaign’s goal – and we have you covered! Just use the "Offline Donations" feature on your fundraising page to keep an accurate tally of your offline fundraising efforts. To find out how to best use that tool, check the resources below.






Donor Retention

Good stewardship is a must: Research shows that first-time donors who received a personal thank you within 48 hours were four times more likely to give again. Use the resources below to thank and re-engage everyone who supported your cause in the past.


How can we help?