Kilombo A&C Institute

A nonprofit organization

46 donors

The Vision:

The African centered educational process is holistic. It permeates every dimension of human existence-physical, spiritual, intellectual, relational and the communal. It is also a life long process.

Education is a physical endeavor. Kilombo Academic and Cultural Institute will empower students to develop strong healthy bodies by teaching them to eat properly, get adequate sleep, recreation, and exercise.

Education is a spiritual process. Our students will develop a spiritual identity that connects to their ancestral legacy. Educational experiences will introduce and cultivate an appreciation for the indigenous African spiritualities. At no time, however, will our students participate in the promotion or teaching of any one religion or faith practice by anyone associated with the Institute.

Education is an intellectual process. Its purpose is to draw out of the student the inherent genius while simultaneously empowering the student to develop a world-view consistent with her or his spiritual, cultural, and historical identity. The outcome is a group of learners equipped to utilize knowledge and understanding for the benefit and refining of existing African philosophies, ideologies, technologies and communities, as well as to, advance innovative and constructive convictions and technologies born of dynamic social engagements, spiritual revelation, critical thought and reflection, hard-headed research, analysis and consistent praxis.

Education is relational. Seen and unseen, human and divine forces are, have been and will be at work in the learning enterprise. Strategies for identifying, utilizing, and cooperating with these sources will therefore be taught and affirmed.

Education is communal. Cooperation is better than competition. Collaboration develops excellence among the many. Our students will work cooperatively and collaboratively to achieve academic goals and to develop intellectually. They will learn to create strong, healthy, life- sustaining relationships with and among African descended peoples. Our scholars will be committed to the well-being of all of humanity.

Outcomes: The students of the Kilombo Academic and Cultural Institute will be competent and critical thinkers in intellectual, economic, political, social and technological contexts and African-religious traditions and practices. Our students will be strong in content and technological proficiencies. They will have a clear understanding of the nature of oppression and the history of resistance around the world. They will understand their educational process as an opportunity to live freely in the world community, thinking and behaving in ways that exemplify the highly moral, deeply spiritual, profoundly intellectual, and unique cultural genius of African peoples. Finally, to learn basic life skills like cooking, cleaning, sewing and ironing; vocational skills like wood and iron working, gardening and canning, and business and entrepreneurial skills and relevant life management to specific disciplines is the result of the Kilombo Academic and Cultural Institute educational experience.

Ultimately, Kilombo Academic and Cultural Institute will develop students who are academically sound, culturally conscious, spiritually well and ready to make significant contributions to the African and world community as well as a commitment to the life long educational enterprise.

Evaluation. The lessons and strategies learned from this Institution will benefit other institutions. Kilombo intends to develop meaningful partnerships with other African centered institutions and organizations. Kilombo Academic and Cultural Institute will conduct on-going evaluation of the Institute’s progress through a structured and systematic process utilizing both internal and external data. In this way constructive information is disseminated to strengthen the Institute and its partners. 

Organization Data


Organization name

Kilombo A&C Institute

Tax id (EIN)



Education Children & Family Community


1879 Columbia Drive
Decatur, GA 30032